Ontario, Canada

GT1 has a dedicated team focused on coordinating ongoing management of ESG related policies to successfully achieve approval and permitting requirements, as well as developing and monitoring sustainability goals during all phases of our projects.

Implementing an effective Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy remains a strong value to GT1. In January 2023, the company began developing its ESG strategy which will be used to inform strategic decision making, risk management and guide development and actions throughout the business.

The company has engaged Sustainability specialists BDO Canada to conduct a full thirdparty assessment of the companies ESG ecosystem and assist in developing a fit-forpurpose ESG program guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards.

Recently, the company has undertaken various stakeholder survey’s to help gather important information on the communities, its activities, the industry and the market to assist in tailoring the companys initial sustainability focus areas over the next twelve months as we continue to develop and implement our ESG strategy.



Peer and Industry review
ESG activity Analysis
Gap Analysis



Roadmap and Action plan
Set-up Sustainability Committee
First Sustainability Report
Set goals for 2024



Review report and data and set targets for following year
Second Sustainability Report


Water & Wastewater Management
GHG Emissions
Biodiversity Impacts
Waste Management


Employee Health & Safety
Human Rights, Indigenous Peoples & Community Relations
Employee Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion


Business Ethics
Management of the Legal & Regulatory
Critical Incident Risk Management


We would like to say Gchi Miigwech to our Indigenous partners. GT1 appreciates the opportunity to work in the Traditional Territory and remains committed to the recognition and respect of those who have lived, travelled, and gathered on the lands since time immemorial. Green Technology Metals is committed to stewarding Indigenous heritage and remains committed to building, fostering, and encouraging a respectful relationship with Indigenous Peoples based upon principles of mutual trust, respect, reciprocity, and collaboration in the spirit of reconciliation.

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